Web design

LuckyWebbing stands for professional, dynamic and modern web design that results in a clean user friendly website.

Currently more than half of the total internet traffic originates from mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. This means that your clients are visiting your site through a wide range of devices all with different screen sizes.
To prevent you from having to maintain different versions of all your pages for all these different screen resolutions we only develop sites with a responsive layout. This responsive layout makes sure that your site is displayed neatly on all these devices with an excellent usability for your visitor.

If searches are made from a mobile device search engines are boosting the ratings of sites that are responsive and thus 'mobile friendly'. Therefore responsive web design has become the 'de facto' standard.


You already have a web site, but it is outdated, programmed according to old standards, difficult to update its content or not attracting enough new potential customers? No problem! LuckyWebbing breathes new life into your old site by applying the latest internet technologies.

Complete redesign of your web site by LuckyWebbing includes:

  • a modern appearance
  • efficient navigation
  • faster downloads
  • new opportunities
  • easy updating
  • new visitors (= potential new customers)


HTML 5 is the latest version of the markup language used to display web content in a browser. HTML 5 is a semantic language which means the computer can make sense of the meaning of the content it is showing.
This is especially beneficial for better search engine ranking and to read the content with screen reader software as used by disabled people.


CSS 3 is the latest version of the language used to define the layout of web content in browsers.
It offers new possibilities to generate styling elements without using images resulting in more consistent designs and much faster page loads.

Responsive Design

Responsive design allows web pages to re-arrange its content depending on the browser's screen size by using fluid, proportion-based grids, flexible images, and media queries (detection of screen specifications by the browser).
Therefor 1 version of the web site will fit smoothly on any screen from smartphones over tablets to laptops and desktops while usability remains ensured.

What can we do for you?

Professional, dynamic and modern webdesign

Developing a full e-business platform for you

Keeping your website content up to date

SEO, registration and Google Adwords

Social media, newsletters, forums, etc...

Analyzing your visitor- and campaign-statisctics